We came across an interesting post that discusses the impact of music on children's minds. Research has shown that studying music has a positive effect on other core areas such as English, Science and Maths, while stimulating different parts of the brain. This post explores the importance of children having an avenue for their creativity.
As music teachers, we must remember how important we are for the children that we teach. It's vital that children have a creative outlet, a way to express themselves through
the arts, in this case that's music.
Allow your students to be as creative as possible inside of lesson time and encourage it outside. Setting them tasks that can unlock their creative potential keeps them associated in their learning as they are expressing themselves. Things like composing or getting them to play a piece matching their current mood, can be great ways to do that. This also enhances their independent learning skills and discipline, which are needed in various areas of their lives.
Encourage your students to be their best selves and always use positive language when teaching. Children are like sponges so they'll remember how you made them feel and the words that you used. Of course there'll be days where they may not have practiced as much as they should or for some reason they're not paying attention. It's our job to remain understanding and find new ways to engage them, encourage their practice and promote their self expression.
This could be by introducing new materials into your teaching or finding a new approach to a particular task, for example their scales. The trick is to always be listening and observing your students to find out what's going to work best for them. It's that extra attention that will produce magical results!